Healthcare Harbour Nursing Agency

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Covid-19 Vaccination Programme

Covid-19 vaccine developments

An effective vaccine will be the best way to protect the most vulnerable from coronavirus and the biggest breakthrough since the pandemic began. A huge step forward in our fight against coronavirus, potentially saving tens of thousands of lives.

The UK government has secured early access to 355 million vaccine doses through agreements with six separate vaccine developers, giving the UK the best chance of securing a safe and effective vaccine at the quickest speed. Should a vaccine be approved it will be available from the NHS - for free – to everyone who would benefit, starting with those most at risk.

The NHS is ready to deliver a Covid-19 vaccination programme as soon as it is approved for use by the medicines regulator, the MHRA. Detailed planning is underway building on the NHS’s expertise delivering immunisation programmes including the flu vaccination programme.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) are the independent experts who advise the Government on which vaccine/s the UK should use and provide advice on who should be offered the vaccination first. They advise that the vaccine first be given to care home residents and staff, followed by people over 80 and health and social workers, then to the rest of the population in order of age and risk.

Resource: Coronavirus Resources