Healthcare Harbour Nursing Agency

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Lung Cancer Awareness | Help Us, Help You

The NHS is here to protect you - contact your GP

We are joining the NHS England and NHS Improvement, together with Public Health England to help create awareness about Lung Cancer.

In the last year, the healthcare sector has taken a big knock from Covid-19. As a result, many have become reluctant to seek medical advice due to their fear of contracting the virus. This has led to their condition to worsened.  Patients can rest assured they will receive medical attention in a secured environment.

Those who have tested negative for Covid-19, and still battle with a nagging cough for three weeks or more should seek medical attention. GPs are urging individuals with long-lasting symptoms to book an appointment for early treatment.

Common signs & symptoms

  • Chest infections that keep coming back

  • Coughing up blood

  • A long-standing cough that gets worse

  • An ache or pain when breathing or coughing

  • Persistent breathlessness

  • Persistent tiredness or lack of energy

  • Loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss  

Participate and raise #LungCancerAwareness #CancerSupport #CancerWarrior

Join celebrities and share the powerful video of how lung cancer can have an impact on your wellbeing, and those of friends and family.

Oncology Nursing Vacancies

We are recruiting Oncology nurses to undertake shifts with our clients. Join Healthcare Harbour and work in one of the most challenging and rewarding fields.