Swine Flu: A24 Group recruits returning Nurses to beat Medical Staff Shortages

In anticipation of the growing demand for more medical staff to deal with the outbreak of swine flu, the A24 Group is recruiting nurses nationwide seeking part-time temporary employment. The convenience of local work, with hours to suit, and high rates of pay will appeal especially to medical staff with family commitments or those recently retired or perhaps considering retirement, in addition to staff seeking extra shifts - according to Ambition 24Nurses , one of the leading UK nursing agencies .

The second week of July 2009 saw a particular turning point in the pandemic. There was a sudden surge in patient demand on the NHS – with a suspected 55,000 new cases in the space of seven days, whilst services were inundated with requests from the ‘worried-well’. 

NHS Direct saw the number of calls to its helpline rise to four times the normal winter levels when demand on the service is at its peak. For GPs, the rate of consultations for flu-like illness rose to over 70 per 100,000. Whilst this number is still short of the 200 that would qualify for an epidemic, the headline figure does not reflect the extent of the pressure upon services in many areas.

For example in one London borough, the consultation rate reached 700 per 100,000 consultations. Hospitals in the West Midlands have reported having wards full of swine flu patients. 

The A24 Group is recruiting medical staff not only because of the need for extra personnel to cope with escalating demand on hospitals and GP surgeries, but also because working doctors, nurses and AHPs are themselves affected by the pandemic. As full-time personnel fall ill, there is an increased requirement for replacement staff to meet shift requirements in the short-term. The A24 Group is one of the leading UK nursing agencies specialising in meeting the demand for temporary staff at very short notice, 24 hours a day.

A24 Group offers amongst the highest standards of compliance and the most advanced ICT systems resources for the management of temporary medical staff. Services are designed for maximum efficiency and safety in meeting clients’ needs for personnel. A24 Group can match medical jobs and staff instantly according to candidate qualifications, experience, location and work preferences, for example.

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The Best Care Assistant and Nursing jobs with UK Agencies

If you want the best rates for agency nursing jobs – and to work with one of the most successful UK nurses agencies – then Ambition 24hours, part of the A24Group, can help you today.

One of the leading UK nursing agencies, Ambition 24hours, part of the A24Group, specialises in the provision of specialist nursing jobs for registered nurses and healthcare assistants for both temporary and permanent placement within NHS Trusts, private hospitals, nursing and residential homes, HMP Prison services, mental health and learning disability environments.   

Ambition 24hours, part of the A24Group, has a reputation for providing an exceptionally fast, high quality service to our customers, busy healthcare providers for whom we provide staffing solutions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.   

If you need or are a specialist nurse - ICU, A&E, RSCN, Paediatric, mental health, Community Practice Nurse, RNMH, Practice Nurse, or nurse for wellness - then Ambition 24hours can provide you with a short or long term assignments today at some of the highest rates in the UK. We are a helpful, friendly and professional service for the supply of medical establishments and healthcare providers.

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Ambition 24hours: UK Recruitment Campaign for Agency Nurses

Nursing agency Ambition 24hours - a member of the A24 Group, and the first 24-7 nursing agencyin the UK - is now actively recruiting general and specialist UK nurses. These include: ICU, A&E, RSCN, Paediatric, mental health, Community Practice Nurses, RNMH, Practice Nurses, and nurses for wellness. Ambition 24hours can provide both short and long term contracts, subject to availability. All published pay rates are available to view on the web site.

Nursing agency jobs are posted daily on-line - click here for positions nationwide.  The agency has branches in high-volume areas. Because these locations are not always convenient for everyone, the agency introduced a 'roving recruiter' model. 

Ambition has roving recruiters across most of England and Wales and arranges for one of them to meet nursing candidates at a location that is near to the workplace or home, as convenient. All recruiters are equipped with document scanners and other equipment to enable them to fully assist registration. 

To arrange an interview email advisors@a24group.com or click here to register contact details initially.

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New Ambition 24hours Nurses Guide to NHS Buying Solutions Occupational Health Compliance

All the occupational health requirements for the NHS Buying Solutions - Purchasing and Supply Agency - for nurses may seem daunting to medical staff who want to register for temporary assignments. However, a new guide by Ambition 24hours nursing agencyA24Nurses sets out the steps to take to ensure compliance for working with the agency. There are also details of useful contacts, such as independent medical laboratories in the UK where immunity tests are available. To view please Click Here

The NHS Buying Solutions occupational health requirements cover immunity for Varicella (Chicken Pox), TB (Tuberculosis), Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Hepatitis B - as well as additional immunisations required for EPP (Exposure Prone Procedures): Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Hepatitis C and HIV.

A24Nurses is leading the way amongst nursing agencies in offering a number of ways in which medical staff can obtain the necessary compliance in order to work with the agency. As a preferred supplier to the NHS, A24Nurses offers compliant candidates shifts across the UK in areas and at times to suit staff best.

Before A24Nurses can offer candidates work, the NHS requires them to supply the agency with valid documentary evidence of immunity. Available options are to organise immunisations with an occupational health department, if the candidate has access through his or her place of work, for example; or secondly, where this does not apply, they can visit the web link to find the nearest NHS Occupational Health Department , and contact them to organise immunisation. As a third option, private occupational health providers can be contacted to organise immunisations.

A24Nurses operates amongst the most advanced compliance systems of any UK locum or nursing agencies, to ensure the highest standards of safety in the provision of medical staff – and to assist candidates easily to monitor and upgrade their status with additional annual training or other measures. The bespoke management ICT system was developed by the agency's in-house team to meet the needs of candidates and healthcare service providers alike for fast support and access, safely and securely.

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Ambition 24Nurses recruits Agency Nurses for Homecare

Leading UK nursing agency Ambition 24Nurses - Ambition 24 Hours-  is recruiting agency nurses for its domiciliary homecare team, Ambition 24Direct.

There are currently vacancies for RSCNs with experience of Diabetes in Surrey and for RSCNs in Hampshire, Devon, Cornwall and Dorset. The nursing agency also is recruiting ICU, PICU, trained and experienced nurses in the same areas. Senior HCAs are needed in Norfolk, Northampton and Peterborough. HCA�s with Learning Disability experience are being recruited in Southampton.

Ambition 24Nurses operates nationwide, including in Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, Coventry, Leeds; Leicester; Liverpool and London. Also in Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland and Wakefield.

Ambition 24Nurses offers vacancies for the following categories: RN Registered Nurse; RGN Registered General Nurse; RMN Registered Mental Nurse; EN Enrolled Nurse; SEN State Enrolled Nurse; ENG Enrolled Nurse General; ENM Enrolled Nurse of Mental Health; RSCN Registered Sick Children�s Nurse; and RFN Registered Fever Nurse. Also RM Registered; Midwives; and RHV Registered Health Visitor.

For homecare or nursing, an Ambition 24Direct care assistant or qualified nurse will visit a patient at home to provide the experienced homecare or private nursing needed - at any time of the day or night.

It�s the reassurance of professional private nursing or home care, overnight if necessary, just when it is wanted. Nurses and healthcare assistants are qualified and selected to ensure the highest standards of quality care provision for private nursing. Ambition 24Direct also works in close partnership with Local Authorities, PCTs and SHAs.

Ambition 24Direct is a member of the A24 Group, the leading independent specialist in healthcare staffing. A well-established organisation with some 13,500 healthcare professionals on call nationwide in the UK. There is a 24-hour booking hotline, so patients can call for an initial assessment by a qualified nurse, any time.  Key features are:

  • An immediate 24-7 solution to homecare worries
  • Fast & convenient provision of private nursing
  • Instant booking by hotline and credit card
  • Experienced, qualified nurses and care assistants
  • Home care when you need it, day or night
  • Schedule of Care on a daily or weekly basis
  • Assurance of a national, well-established private nursing organisation

One third of nurses may refuse to have the swine flu jab

A poll by 'Nursing Times' magazine shows that one third of UK nurses may refuse to have the swine flu jab. Of 1,500 readers polled, 30 per cent would not say 'yes' to the vaccine, while 33 per cent said 'maybe'. Only 37 per cent said that they would definitely have the jab.

Of those who said they would refuse the jab, 60 per cent said their main reason was concern about the safety of the vaccine. A further 31 per cent said they did not consider the risks to their health from swine flu to be great enough, while 9 per cent thought they would not be able to take time off work to get immunised. Some 91 per cent described themselves as frontline nurses.

Professor David Salisbury, the Department of Health's director of immunisation, said it was unfortunate nurses would 'knowingly leave themselves at risk'. 

The survey comes after health chiefs said doctors should watch out for cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome when the vaccine is introduced in October. The syndrome, which affects around 1,500 people a year in the UK, attacks the nervous system and can result in temporary paralysis.

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