Guidance to streamline your NMC Revalidation
/Understanding the requirements for your NMC revalidation may be a bit daunting, and the challenge of collecting all of your proof is the next hurdle, so together with , we are streamlining this process to benefit our staff, to maintain their registration with the NMC, and ultimately continue to fill the shifts which so desperately need you.
What is NMC Revalidation?
Every three years, nursing practitioners, associates and midwives need to re-validate their membership with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). This process includes providing several items to prove both clinical hours, ongoing training and dedication to their post. This is to maintain the highest level of service within the nursing industry, ensuring high-quality patient care across the UK.
Only professionals who are on the NMC register are permitted to practice as a nurse, midwife or nursing associate within the United Kingdom. The Register serves as a means to regulate the industry and ensure that the code is being adhered to.
The revalidation process is a series of forms and proof which needs to be submitted via an online application on the NMC Website. Here we explain the requirements, and how you can leverage our services and resources to streamline your NMC Revalidation.
What is the NMC Code?
The code is a set of guidelines which are laid out to ensure that professionals are consistently delivering a high level of service. These are the professional standards of practice and code of conduct for nurses, midwives and nursing associates. Below is a summary of the code, although you can get the full code, and guidelines to execute these points here.
Treat all people as individuals and uphold their dignity
Listen and respond to people's preferences and concerns
Make sure that all patient's physical, social and psychological requirements are assessed and responded to
Always act in the best interests of your patients at all times
Respect people’s right to confidentiality and privacy
Always practice in line with the best available findings or evidence
Always communicate clearly
Work co-operatively along with your colleagues – seniors and juniors alike.
Share your knowledge, skills and experience for the benefit of patients receiving care, as well as your colleagues
Ensure you keep clear and accurate records relevant to your practice
Be accountable for your decisions, including when you delegate tasks and duties to colleagues or associates
Ensure you have an indemnity arrangement in place, which provides appropriate cover for any practice you take on as a nurse, midwife or nursing associate.
Understand and work within the limits of your competence
Be open and approachable with all service users about all aspects of care, including when any errors or harm have taken place
Always help if an emergency arises in your practice setting or anywhere you may be
Act without hesitation if you believe that there is a risk to patient or public safety
Raise concerns immediately if you believe a person is vulnerable and you believe they need extra support
Advise on, prescribe, supply, dispense or administer medicines within the limits of your training and competence, the law, our guidance and other relevant policies and regulations laid out within your scope of practice
Be aware of, and reduce as far as possible, any potential for harm associated with your practice
Always uphold the reputation of your profession
Maintain your position as a registered nurse, midwife or nursing associate
Deliver on all NMC registration requirements
Cooperate with all investigations or audits
Respond, directly where possible, to any complaints made against you professionally
Provide leadership to ensure people’s wellbeing is protected and to improve their experiences within the health and care system
What are the submission requirements for NMC Revalidation?
Over 3 years – this would run from your last revalidation or registration date, and your personal revalidation date can be checked by logging into the NMC online portal. You would be required to collect proof of the following items, which would need to be submitted together with your online application to validate your efforts, training and clinical hours.
Below are the guidelines of requirements laid out by the NMC which we can assist in compiling with you:
Over the 3 years, you need to prove that you completed:
450 Practical hours for a nurse, midwife or nursing associate
900 practical hours if a dual registration (i.e. nurse and midwife: or midwife and nursing associate)
And 1350 practical hours if practicing as all three of the roles (nurse, nursing associate and midwife)
How Can we help?
For this item, you may request a certificate of registration from us, which will showcase:
Total number of hours worked on assignments with the A24Group of agencies
Role or designation in which you worked
Basic duties assigned to this role.
Over the 3 years, you need to ensure that you continually learn and earn CPD points. Below are the stipulated requirements:
You need to undertake 35 hours of continued professional development
20 hours of these need to be participatory, or practical learning.
How can we help?
For this requirement, please look at our online as well as mandatory practical training partnerships, which allow you to undertake over 39 CPD-supported training courses, as well as your required moving and handling and life support training, at discounted fees.
Remember to upload all certificates to , to keep them safe for when your revalidation time comes, and more importantly, to potentially open new shift opportunities with your freshly acquired skills.
To be better prepared, you can log all training taken over your 3-year period within the NMC-provided CPD log template.
Nursing and Midwifery practitioners need to provide 5 pieces of practice-related feedback, to showcase how you conduct yourself.
Items which would be accepted are:
Client feedback forms
Supervisor feedback
Peer accounts and feedback
How can we help?
The easiest means to manage this is to provide the respective client with your feedback form, which will be found along with your timesheets for the respective shift in question.
Get these completed at the same time as you are getting your timesheet signed for payment, and please ensure you upload them to for safekeeping.
You can also make use of the NMC feedback form to capture feedback.
Below are the requirements which you, as the applicant would need to collaborate with peers and supervisors, and craft the submission independently:
All staff wishing to revalidate need to provide 5 reflective accounts. Each reflective account must be documented on the designated form and should address one or more of the following:
An example of your continuing professional development (CPD)
Feedback you have received regarding your professional practice
An event or experience you encountered in your professional practice
All reflective accounts should also explain how these aspects relate to the Code, which we have summarized here for your reference.
You need to discuss with another NMC member to discuss your written accounts, whether they are focused on feedback related to your practice, your CPD examples or your event experience in your practice. You need to ensure that you complete the reflective discussion form, and submit it along with the other requirements.
Your well-being and character are paramount to your career, and the code of practice laid out by the NMC. You do not need to complete a form or submit proof for this requirement, but you do need to complete the declarations on your application and ensure you answer honestly and accurately.
You will be required to declare that at the time when you are practising, you will have adequate professional indemnity cover in place with the appropriate cover for your respective practice.
Once again, you do not need to provide proof thereof, but you will need to complete the declaration within your online application
The NMC is an inclusive organization, and once again you would need to seek the support of another NMC registered member to assess your evidence and confirm that all aspects of your revalidation are true, complete and correct.
It is recommended that you get your confirmer, whether a colleague or line manager, to assess your collection of evidence and once they are satisfied, ask them to complete this form, which was provided by the NMC.
You will not need to submit this along with your application, but you will be required to enter the NMC pin of your confirmation.
What is the NMC Revalidation process?
Now that you understand all the requirements, and are actively collecting your evidence, you need to follow this procedure to complete your NMC Revalidation:
Understanding your due dates is of the utmost importance, as you need to know when you are personally required to submit your revalidation application. So firstly, log in to the NMC site, and check your revalidation date via your NMC online profile. If you don’t have a profile, simply create one to manage your NMC registration.
You will also receive a 60-day reminder or “Registration Renewal Notice”, leading up to the expiry of your registration. We recommend logging all training, hours worked and references as you gain these, as the 60-day period will pass very quickly, and without proper preparation, you may not manage to fulfil all requirements.
Login to your online NMC profile and start your renewal application
Provide all the evidence as outlined above.
Submit your application
Process payment of your fees
And lastly, you will confirm your renewal
Once you receive your confirmation of renewal, please upload this to , to ensure your profile remains active and up to date.
How does Healthcare Harbour and assist with your NMC Revalidation?
serves as a professional profile for our agency staff, and by ensuring you keep all training certificates and feedback forms up to date on your profile, these can all be accessed at the touch of a button. In addition to this, we can give you a confirmation of registration, which will serve as proof of your practical hours, designation and duties performed.
We also have strategic partnerships with training facilities to assist you in achieving your CPD requirements for your revalidation at a discounted price.
Be sure to reach out to our teams for any additional guidance or support.
Are you a registered member of our staff?
Already registered? Great, please continue to update your profile with feedback, and training certificates, and accept more shifts – this way you will be ahead of your requirements.
Not a member of our Staff? Simply register to work with us today and let us assist you with maintaining records of your professional achievements to streamline your NMC revalidation process.