Bank Holiday Deadlines – May 2019

Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming 2019 May bank holiday period.

1. Bank Holiday Deadlines – MAY 2019

Bank Holiday Pay Period (Weekending) Deadline For T/S Submission To Ensure Payment On
Monday 05/05/2019 Midday Friday Friday
06/05/2019 (shifts up to 03/05/19) 03/05/2019 10/05/2019
Monday 26/05/2019 Midday Friday Friday
27/05/2019 (shifts up to 23/03/19) 24/05/2019 31/05/2019

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email (


In order to ensure we can pay you promptly, over this period, we need to notify you that we will be operating reduced hours with regards to our phone lines for payroll queries and as follows:

Date Phone Line Opening Hours
Friday 3rd May 2019 09:00-12:00
Monday 6th May 2019 CLOSED
Tuesday 7th May 2019 09:00-15:00
Wednesday 8th May 2019 CLOSED AS NORMAL
Friday 24th May 2019 09:00-12:00
Monday 27th May 2019 CLOSED
Tuesday 28th May 2019 09:00-15:00
Wednesday 29th May 2019

A24 Group Payroll Team 


Dear Agency Worker


Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming 2019 Good Friday and Easter Monday bank holiday period.

1. Bank Holiday Deadlines – GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER MONDAY 2019

Bank Holiday Pay Period (Weekending) Deadline For T/S Submission To Ensure Payment On
Friday 14/04/2019 Midday Friday Thursday
19/04/2019 (shifts up to 11/04/19 ) 12/04/2019 18/04/2019
Monday 21/04/2019 Midday Thursday Friday
22/04/2019 (shifts up to 17/04/19) 18/04/2019 26/04/2019

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email (


In order to ensure we can pay you promptly, over this period, we need to notify you that we will be operating reduced hours with regards to our phone lines for payroll queries and as follows:

Date Tuesday 16th April 2019

Tuesday 16th April 2019
Wednesday 17th April 2019 CLOSED AS NORMAL
Thursday 18th April 2019 09:00 to 12:00
Friday 19th April 2019 CLOSED
Monday 22nd April 2019 CLOSED
Tuesday 23rd April 2019 09:00-13:00
Wednesday 24th April 2019 CLOSED AS NORMAL
Thursday 25th April 2019 BACK TO NORMAL OPENING HOURS

3. NEST Auto-Enrolment Pension 

This is a reminder that if you are a member of the Auto – Enrolment Pension Scheme with NEST, your contributions will automatically increase to 4% (net) from 5th April 2019.

In addition to this, employer contributions will rise to 3% and the Governments contributions will rise to 1%.

Finding out more about NEST   

If you’d like to know more about NEST you can visit their website at NEST’s contact details are NEST Nene Hall Lynch Wood Business Park Peterborough PE2 6FY.

Member enquiries: 0300 020 0393 or Email:

You can also get general information on pensions and saving for later life at  

A24 Group Payroll Team


Dear Agency Worker


Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment over the upcoming Bank Holiday period:


Timesheet 1.JPG

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email ( by the relevant weekly deadline detailed above.


Payroll phone line opening hours are as follows:

Timesheet 2.JPG

Thank you and all the best for the upcoming Holiday period.

Best Regards, A24 Group Payroll Team

Increase your work opportunities by 95%

Staff shift.jpg

Did you know it only it takes 15 seconds to update your availability on and it could increase your chances of receiving shifts by 95%.

When we are coordinating shifts with our clients it requires the most efficient and timely feedback to our Clients, therefore it is imperative that we always have your current availability which ensures that we’re able to offer you shifts quickly.

If you do not have access to a desktop or laptop, we cater to your requirements with our Free - Mobile application for iOS & Android

For Android you can Download the app now from your Google Play Store

For iOS you can Download the app now from your App Store

Take advantage of this opportunity today!

Communicating in a healthcare setting with people who have hearing loss


Healthcare staff in provision of services rendered need to obtain information and give advice, and patients need to ask questions and share their concerns. Therefore, to provide a thorough service for hearing impaired patients, it is of paramount importance that their communication needs are acknowledged and addressed by those responsible for the providing healthcare service.

We are pleased to let you know about a new e-learning resource that is free and available to all staff.

The module covers the following key learning outcomes:

*     Recognise the different types of communication support needs.

*     Describe the basics of BSL as a language and the rights of BSL users.

*     Respond appropriately to the communication preference of BSL users.

*     Reflect on ways of improving current practice.

NHS Health Scotland's Workforce Development team developed the module in partnership with BSL users and colleagues from DeafScotland, Deafblind Scotland, the Care Inspectorate, the Scottish Social Services Council, NHS Education Scotland, NHS Lothian and NHS Forth Valley.

We encourage all care service providers and staff to enrol themselves onto this short and enjoyable module. Follow the link at the bottom of this email to NHS Health Scotland's Virtual Learning Environment.

Please note, new users will need to create an account and log in before accessing the course. You can create a new account on the following link.


Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course.

Social media and its role in healthcare

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Social media can be used as a valuable source for scouting information, however the information retrieved on social media cannot always be deemed credible.

Using social media in an unprofessional manner could potentially be detrimental to their professional careers. Therefore, it is important for healthcare professionals to be informed about the ethical rules regarding social media privacy.  

Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) has compiled the following guidelines to ensure healthcare officials follow the correct procedures.

Meeting Standards for Nursing & Care Agencies: New CQC Report

A24 Group nursing and care agencies, which includes Ambition 24Hours, are registered with the UK's Care Quality Commission. They are regularly inspected to ensure they meet the National Minimum Standards for nursing and domiciliary care agencies.

These external checks complement our own program of internal reviews and audits that help ensure all our nursing agencies are operating to the very highest levels of care. To find out more about the CQC's inspection of A24 Group, you can see the latest report here on the provision of care to people in their own homes - or visit the Care Quality Commission website.

The new report inspected service provision in the following key areas:

1. Care and welfare of people who use services
People should get safe and appropriate care that meets their needs and supports their rights.

2. Cooperating with other providers
People should get safe and coordinated care when they move between different services.

3. Requirements relating to workers
People should be cared for by staff who are properly qualified and able to do their job.

4. Staffing
There should be enough members of staff to keep people safe and meet their health and welfare needs.

5. Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision
The service should have quality checking systems to manage risks and assure the health, welfare and safety of people who receive care.

6. Records
People's personal records, including medical records, should be accurate and kept safe and confidential.

For more information:

View our Contact Details 

You can also visit our Facebook Page , follow us on Twitter or add us to your circles on Google+ 

RSCN Nurses Jobs at Ambition 24hours

RSCN Registered Sick Children's nurses can find a range of nursing agency job opportunities at Ambition 24hours, available immediately. Ambition offers some of the highest rates of nurses pay of UK nursing agencies - based on its reputation for providing specialist staff at very short notice, when other agencies cannot.

Ambition was the first in the UK to offer a full 24-7 service, 365 days a year. For further information, qualified nurses and HCAs should register their contact details on-line in the first instance at

RSCN nurses select Ambition 24hours for temporary staffing because the staffing agency offers an advanced system for UK compliance and safety in the management and booking of staff in the UK. the agency has nursing jobs available nationwide.

In addition to RSCN nurses, there are daily placements for HCA healthcare assistants - and RN Registered Nurses, RGN Registered General, RMN Registered Mental, EN Enrolled; SEN State Enrolled, ENG Enrolled General, ENM Enrolled of Mental Health; RFN Registered Fever, and RM Registered Midwives and RHV Registered Health Visitors too. RSCN agency workers are provided for a range of healthcare settings: Primary Care GP surgeries; A&E Accident & Emergency; ITU Intensive Treatment Unit; ICU; Intensive Care Unit; HDU High Dependency Unit; CCU Cardiac Care Unit; SCBU Special Care Baby Unit; ENT Ear Nose & Throat; Renal Dialysis, Theatre and Maternity.

Other wards for which nursing agency and HCA staff are provided include: Recovery, Oncology, Acute Stroke, Neuro Rehabilitation, Surgical, Medical, Neurology, Ophthalmology and Urology - from Corby to Colchester.

For more information:

View Our Contact Details

You can also visit our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter

ENG Enrolled Nurses Jobs at Ambition 24hours

ENG Enrolled Nurses have access to a range of nursing agency jobs at Ambition 24hours, available immediately. Ambition offers amongst the highest rates of pay of all UK nursing agencies, because of its reputation for providing specialist staff at very short notice, when other agencies fail. Ambition was the first to offer a full 24-7 service, 365 days a year.

UK employers of ENG Enrolled Nurses staff choose Ambition 24hours for temporary staffing because the staffing agency offers an advanced system for UK compliance and safety in the management and booking of staff:-

  • Enterprise ICT System: the unique staff management system developed for nursing and HCA registration, compliance, selection and booking, results from 100,000 hours of development time in-house over six years.
  • System safeguards: Enterprise only allows selection of agency staff after completion of registration: all relevant, employment, training & CRB checks and references are fully confirmed; and the work record is checked, verified again and finally cleared.
  • Booking safety: agency nursing & HCA healthcare staff are selected for shifts from verified data recorded on Enterprise ICT. Agency consultants can match the exact requirements of clients according to staff qualifications, experience and availability.
  • Agency registration and compliance: face-to-face interviews are mandatory to confirm language ability; completion of a 20 plus page registration form, is required including full details of career history and qualifications; four referees; original ‘right to work’, qualifications and training certificates; and an employer’s report.

Ambition 24 hours compliance team: over 100 dedicated staff obtain verified professional references from past employers, carry out Occupational Health checks for fitness to work, verify professional qualifications, apply for CRBs, and confirm mandatory training is certificated. A Quality Control team re-checks all data.

Ambition 24hours has nursing jobs available nationwide. In addition to ENG Enrolled Nurses personnel there are daily placements for HCA healthcare assistants – and RN Registered Nurses, RGN Registered General, RMN Registered Mental, EN Enrolled; SEN State Enrolled, ENM Enrolled of Mental Health, RSCN Registered Sick Children’s; RFN Registered Fever Nurse, and RM Registered Midwives and RHV Registered Health Visitors.

ENG Enrolled Nurses workers are provided for a range of healthcare settings: Primary Care GP surgeries; A&E Accident & Emergency; ITU Intensive Treatment Unit; ICU; Intensive Care Unit; HDU High Dependency Unit; CCU Cardiac Care Unit; SCBU Special Care Baby Unit; ENT Ear Nose & Throat; Renal Dialysis, Theatre and Maternity. Other wards for which nursing agency and HCA staff are provided include: Recovery, Oncology, Acute Stroke, Neuro Rehabilitation and Surgical.

Nurses who are interested in joining us can quickly and easily register on-line by clicking here

For more information: 

Contact Us

You can also visit our FacebooK Page or follow us on Twitter

Notice to All UK Agency Workers: June Bank holiday deadline

Due to the June Bank holiday dates of Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th June 2012, please ensure that timesheets are with us by no later than midday, Friday 1st June 2012 to guarantee payment on Friday 8th June 2012. 

Please note: the Payroll office will also be closed on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th June - therefore please be aware that call volumes will be abnormally high following this break. We will there not have the facility to check if timesheets have been received on the Wednesday during office hours as we will be focusing on getting our Agency Workers paid for those timesheets received by the Friday deadline.

Important: there are some clients that will not recognise nor pay Bank holiday rates for the Diamon Jubilee - additional Holiday on Tuesday 5th June 2012. To save disappointment we would strongly advise that you ask your consultant as to whether or not you will be paid Bank Holiday rates for this day.

For more information:

View Our Contact Details

You can also visit our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter

Ambition 24hours backs Stroke Awareness Day

Ambition 24hours is highlighting Stroke Awareness Day and the threat that strokes pose in the UK. Leading UK nursing agency Ambition 24hours provides nurses and HCA care assistants for homecare and a range of other settings, including UK care homes and hospitals.

Qualified nurses and HCAs interested in working with Ambition can register their contact details on-line by clicking here .

According to the Stroke Association, every year an estimated 150,000 people in the UK have a stroke. That's one person every five minutes. Most people affected are over 65, but anyone can have a stroke, including children and even babies. Stroke can have a huge effect on people and their families. Employers and homecare users of temporary healthcare staff, for support for stroke victims, choose Ambition 24hours because the nursing agency offers an advanced system for UK compliance and safety in the management and booking of staff. Enterprise ICT System is unique staff management system developed for nursing and HCA registration, compliance, selection and booking, results from 100,000 hours of development time in-house over six years.

Enterprise only allows selection of agency staff after completion of registration: all relevant, employment, training & CRB checks and references are fully confirmed; and the work record is checked, verified again and finally cleared. Agency nursing & HCA healthcare staff are selected for shifts from verified data recorded on Enterprise ICT. Agency consultants can match the exact requirements of clients according to staff qualifications, experience and availability. For agency registration and compliance, face-to-face interviews are mandatory to confirm language ability; completion of a 20 plus page registration form, is required including full details of career history and qualifications; four referees; original ‘right to work’, qualifications and training certificates; and an employer’s report.

Ambition 24hours compliance team comprises over100 dedicated staff who obtain verified professional references from past employers, carry out Occupational Health checks for fitness to work, verify professional qualifications, apply for CRBs, and confirm mandatory training is certificated. A Quality Control team re-checks all data. Ambition 24hours has nursing jobs available nationwide – and RN Registered Nurses, RGN Registered General, RMN Registered Mental, EN Enrolled; SEN State Enrolled, ENG Enrolled General, ENM Enrolled of Mental Health, RSCN Registered Sick Children’s; RFN Registered Fever, and RM Registered Midwives and RHV Registered Health Visitors.

For more information:

View our Contact Details  

Also see our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter

Agency Workers Alert: Time for Free NHS Flu Jab

The British Nursing Association is encouraging all UK healthcare workers to have the free NHS Flu jab for which all healthcare workers are eligible. 

Frontline nurses, HCAs and other agency workers should protect themselves by having the flu vaccine to prevent the spread of flu to colleagues and other members of the community.

The 2012/13 UK vaccine protects against three types of flu virus, according to the NHS Cumbria Partnership. This year's flu jab protects against:

  • H1N1 - the strain of flu that caused the swine flu pandemic in 2009 
  • H3N2 - a strain of flu that can infect birds and mammals and was active in 2011  
  • A strain of flu that was active in 2010 known as B/Wisconsin/1

Britons are the 'most unhygienic nation', according to a new report. Britons were half as likely as other nationals to cover their hands and mouth more frequently when coughing or sneezing during the swine flu pandemic, the study has suggested.

The findings were published in the journal 'Lancet Infectious Diseases'. Dr Gillian Steel Fisher of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, in America, said: "The wide variations between countries in our study shows that in the event of another serious outbreak of infectious disease, public perceptions have to be taken into account to best tailor and communicate policy approaches that need public support in each country.

"Our findings suggest that promoting non-pharmaceutical interventions - such as handwashing and avoiding large public gatherings of people - do not jeopardise the adoption of vaccination, though the uptake of vaccines was low compared to other behaviours in all countries we surveyed.

"To maximise the effect of pandemic policies, future efforts might need to combine vaccination programmes with support for the most effective non-pharmaceutical interventions."

For more information:

View Our Contact Details

You can also visit our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter

Child Protection Week: Paediatric Nurses Agency Jobs at Ambition 24hours

Ambition 24hours has a range of nursing agency jobs for RSCN Registered Sick Children’s Nurses available immediately. There are nursing jobs nationwide for nurses and HCAs to provide care for sick children and their families in hospitals, their own homes, and within school, respite and palliative care settings. Ambition works closely with the NHS, private hospitals and Social Services, and offers complete package of care and management. 

Amongst UK nursing agencies Ambition has a reputation for providing specialist staff at very short notice. Ambition was first with a 24-7 service, 365 days a year. Nurses and HCAs can register here.

Employers of RSCN Registered Sick Children’s Nurses choose Ambition 24hours for temporary staffing because the agency offers an advanced system for UK compliance and safety in the management and booking of staff:. The Enterprise ICT System is the unique staff management system developed for nursing and HCA registration, compliance, selection and booking, and results from 100,000 hours of development time in-house over six years.

System safeguards in Enterprise ensure selection of agency staff only after completion of registration: all relevant, employment, training & CRB checks and references are fully confirmed; and the work record is checked, verified again and finally cleared. For booking safety, agency nursing and HCA healthcare staff are selected for shifts from verified data recorded on Enterprise ICT. Agency consultants can match the exact requirements of clients according to staff qualifications, experience and availability.

Ambition 24hours has nursing jobs available nationwide. In addition to RSCN Registered Sick Children’s Nurses personnel there are daily placements for HCA healthcare assistants – and RN Registered Nurses, RGN Registered General Nurses, RMN Registered Mental Nurses, EN Enrolled Nurses; SEN State Enrolled Nurses, ENG Enrolled Nurses General, ENM Enrolled Nurses of Mental Health; RFN Registered Fever Nurses, and RM Registered Nurses; as well as Midwives and RHV Registered Health Visitors as well.

For Further Information:

View Contact Details

Also visit our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter

Ten Tips for Nursing Agencies’ Jobs

Great nursing agency and HCA jobs are more in demand than ever before - particularly for staff who want to work at the times and locations of their choice, says Ambition 24hours, which was the UK’s first 24-7 medical staffing agency.

Agency work with a reputable agency offers opportunities for nurses who want extra shifts and pay or need to balance their work-life commitments because they have young family for example.

Ambition 24hours offers this advice for getting the most from nursing agency work:-

a)     First, register with several nursing agencies: to increase your opportunities for work, you can register through the Ambition 24hours web site just once to work for five different agencies

b)    At registration, ensure you provide all the information that’s required: Ambition 24hours provides a detailed list of documents you will need to supply – and meets with all candidates locally to help them complete the registration process. Initial registration should always be started on-line through the Ambition 24hours web site. Documents required include: a completed CRB; a detailed Ambition 24hours application form; and job references.

c)     Ensure your registrations is current: once you have registered with the nursing agency, ensure that your annual certifications are up to date – whether for training, CRB or other requirements

d)     Are you a specialist nurse, ICU, PICU or SCBU trained for example? There is high demand for specialist nurses in many regions. Current certificates are essential as proof of your speciality, so Ambition 24hours can match your qualifications with relevant work. Also, if you do specialist training on an annual basis in your permanent job - such as Ventilator, Tracheostomy, IV administration – please inform the agency.

e)     Let the agency know when you are free to work: Ambition 24hours’s on-line web diary enables nurses and HCAs to confirm when they are available. It’s worth updating the diary at least every week. Be flexible: if Ambition 24hours knows that you will accept work at short notice - or will work some evenings, weekends or Bank Holidays - you will get more, higher-paying shifts

f)     Stay in touch: find out which agency consultants deal with the area where you want to work. E-mail the names of the towns and hospitals. Ambition 24hours’s consultants are there to help, and when they get to know you and the type of work you want, it will increase work opportunities

g)     Social Media: it’s worth registering for Ambition 24hours’s Facebook and Twitter pages so that you are up to date on agency news and job opportunities – you can see details too at the web site

h)     Complaints: feedback is always welcome. Let Ambition 24hours know if there is anything with which you are unhappy or could be done differently - or issues you have in the workplace. Good agencies are grateful for feedback

i)     Tell a friend: if you have nursing friends who are interested in agency work, then telling them about the agency is helpful for feedback and communication. Visit Ambition 24hours’ Facebook and click on ‘Like’ or visit the web address: www.Ambition

j)     Consider your career: are you looking for specific types of work or experience? If you are, do discuss this with your Ambition 24hours consultant, as the agency may be able to help, if you meet the standards required by clients for relevant shifts.

For Further Information:

View contact details

Nursing Agency Medical Staff in Great Demand as Full-Time Vacancies Rise

Nurses, midwives and other medical staff Vacancies in the UK have increased for the first time in five years, according to new figures from the NHS Information Centre. Increasing patient demand, a lack of training places, staff retirement and changes in immigration laws are all thought to responsible for the situation.

As a result, agency nurses are in great demand by – Ambition 24Nurses – nationwide, and the agency has recruited dozens of additional compliance staff to assist in the registration and ensure that candidates can be available for work as soon as possible. The agency has one of the most advanced on-line registration systems of any nursing agencies to enable medical staff to manage their availability and receive notification of more work, more easily than ever before, according to the agency.

The new European rules limiting junior doctors hours to 48 a week, which recently came into force, are also thought to have added to the pressure on staffing for healthcare providers. Senior doctors have called for the restrictions to be suspended until after the NHS has dealt with the H1N1 outbreak. 

Latest vacancy figures, which report on jobs unfilled on March 31 this year, found that over 5 per cent of all NHS medical posts, which includes hospital doctors and dentists, were vacant. This is up from 3.6 per cent the previous year. The proportion which had been vacant for three months – which is considered an indication of hard-to-fill posts - was 1.5 per cent, up from 0.9 per cent. 

The vacancies among GPs rose 1.2 to 1.6 per cent, although long-term vacancies remained broadly the same. 

Vacant nursing jobs increased from 2.5 to 3.1 per cent – of which 0.7 per cent were long-term, up from 0.5 per cent the previous year. The chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing expressed concern about long-term vacancies – but even unfilled short-term vacancies leave nurses under unsustainable pressure, he said, with higher workloads, leaving staff too busy to provide the standard of care they would like to offer.

For Further Information:

View Contact Details 

Also visit our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter  

Measles and Mumps requirements for Nursing Agency Staff

All agency nurses working in the UK must be fully compliant with Department of Health Measles and Mumps requirements to be eligible for work with the A24 Group. The Department of Health has written to Trusts to inform them that all healthcare professionals should be able to prove immunity.

Candidates will need to produce written evidence in the form of a compliant certificate of fitness. This requires that candidates have the following evidence available: proof of positive antibody for Measles and Rubella; or that they have received two MMR Vaccinations; or that they have received a series of two Measles, Rubella and Mumps Vaccinations (6 in total).
Also, if a candidate has a positive antibody for Measles and Rubella but his or her mumps are negative or equivocal then appropriate action must be taken as mumps immunity is still necessary.

Latest figures show the uptake of the MMR triple vaccine in the community has risen slightly to 89.6% from 83.4%.

However, they are still a long way off the 95% level needed to provide "herd immunisation" and prevent the disease taking hold in the community among unvaccinated people.

Some states in the USA have a requirement for children to be vaccinated before they start school. The country has a 99% uptake of MMR among school entry children.

For Further Information:

View Contact Details 

Also visit our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter

Work available for Nurses throughout England with Netcare – BMI Hospital Group

Ambition 24hours, the A24Group, has now achieved preferred supplier status for BMI Hospitals nationally across the UK:  "This new agreement is great news for all our candidates and means we can further extend the availability of shifts throughout all regions. BMI has Hospitals and outpatient centres in 56 locations throughout the country with over 2600 beds.  The pay rates for BMI vary from our standard pay rates, and we are happy to provide these to candidates," says Penny Streeter, managing director of Ambition 24hours, the A24Group.

Nurses who are interested in temporary assignments within the Netcare BMI group can e-mail  Candidates who still need to clear or register with Ambition 24hours, the A24Group, please click here or call on 0871 87 333 33.

Working Hours:
Week day 08h00-20h00
Week night 20h00-08h00
Sat 08h00-08h00 Sun
Sun 08h00-08h00 Mon
Bank Holiday 00h00-08h00 following day
(inc Xmas Eve and New Years Eve)

Ambition 24hours, the A24Group, has led the industry in ensuring the highest standards of nursing agency care, through detailed candidate interviews and rigorous credentials checks.  The agency recently completed the latest inspection of policies and procedures by CSCI (Commission for Social Care Inspection): this is the Government-appointed organisation that registers, inspects and reports on social care services in England.

Ambition 24hours, the A24Group, has branches nationwide: in Bristol (Training Branch Only), Colchester, Portsmouth (Training Branch Only)d, Sutton and Warrington.

For Further Information:

View Contact Details

Also visit our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter  

Ambition 24hours has a range of nurses' jobs available today:

Jobs in all Nursing Specialisations: 

EN Enrolled Nurses, ENG Enrolled General, ENM Enrolled Mental Health, HCA Health Care Assistants, Midwives, RFN Registered Fever, RHV Registered Health Visitor, RM Registered, RMN Registered Mental, RN, RGN, Registered General, RSCN Registered Sick Children's, SEN State Enrolled and all other Specialist Nurses.

Vacancies for all Healthcare Settings:

A&E Accident and Emergency, Acute Stroke, CCU Cardiac Care Unit, ENT Ear Nose & Throat, HDU High Dependency Unit, ICU Intensive Care Unit, ITU Intensive Treatment Unit, Maternity, Medical, Neuro Rehabilitation, Neurology, ONcology, Ophthalmology, Primary Care GP surgeries, Recovery, Renal Dialysis, SCBU Special Care Baby Unit, Surgical, Theatre and Urology. 

Local shifts wherever you are, nationwide, including:

London, Wakefield, Sheffield, Nottingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leicester, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Coventry, Bristol, Bradford, Birmingham and Belfast.